Tuesday, October 16, 2012


       By all accounts, in the first debate of the endless 2012 presidential election season, the president performed abysmally. The competent campaigner and talented orator fell flat – stunning disappointed supporters and giving room for a rise in fortune of his challenger.

Triwheel: Inner-Obama natal; Middle-SP; Outer-transits Oct 3, 2012, 7 p.m. Denver, CO
(Click on chart to enlarge)

            What happened to Obama that night? In the tropical sky, transiting Mars was conjunct the transiting North Node and opposite a conjunction of the transiting Moon and South Node. With Mars in Scorpio and the Moon in Taurus, both planets were strong by sign. The opposition between them symbolized the style of the two debaters. 
            For Obama, the transiting North Node was conjunct his Midheaven; he was in public view, in the spotlight. At first glance, this would appear to bode well – except for the fact the transiting nodes were square his natal nodes. In this orientation, transiting Mars was a super-Mars, both conjunct the North Node and at the North Bending of the natal nodes. On an angle, Mars manifest – in the guise of an opponent. This Mars was Mitt, fighting for his political life.
The Moon was in trouble. Conjunct the transiting South Node and square Obama’s natal nodes at the South Bending, there was a devastating loss -- for him (lampooned as a vacant chair) and for his supporters (the Moon). As he reflected later, he was too polite (exalted Moon). Romney owned Mars and came out swinging. He had to do well, and he did. Mighty and powerful, he transformed (Scorpio) himself and his campaign.
            Obama was mute, unable to stand up for himself and defend his record.  Transiting Mercury and Saturn were conjunct, and conjunct progressed Mercury and Mars, which were sextile/trine the natal and progressed nodes: an inability to speak was on display. With transiting Mercury and Saturn square his progressed Jupiter and natal Mars, his message of hope and his accomplishments were left unsaid. 
             Since natally Obama has Uranus conjunct the North Node, the chart ruler was now at the South Bending of the transiting nodes. This translated to loss for the persona. No one was likely more unexpectedly disturbed or upset (transiting Mars opposite transiting Moon square natal Uranus) than the president. Lucky for him, the transiting Moon, Mercury and Mars move quickly, and Saturn at the end of Libra will soon move into Scorpio, away from the conjunction with progressed Mercury, alleviating some of the difficulty.

(Nb: I don’t look at out-of-sign aspects. I also keep my orbs tight. Not more than 3-4° natally or by transit.)

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