As the North Node passes through the final degrees of
Scorpio, the revelation of the misuse of political power has been nothing less
than jaw-dropping. A case in point is Chris Christie, governor of New Jersey,
and a crisis that began on September 9, 2013, with the closing of two of three
toll booths on the George Washington Bridge reserved for Fort Lee residents
that backed up traffic four days. The story
was reported in the press on October 1, 2013, along with the suggestion that
the traffic jam was retaliation against the Fort Lee mayor for refusing to
endorse Christie’s re-election. The governor dismissed the report, blamed the
snarl on a traffic study, and declared that no one in his office had anything
to do with it. The scandal exploded on January 8, 2014, when reporters obtained
emails documenting that the order, in fact, did come from his office and a deputy
chief of staff, Bridget Kelly.
Freedom of Information Requests (FOIA) for emails are an absolute boon for astrologers because they contain the time a correspondence was sent. We thus have a precisely timed chart for the scandal which began with Bridget Kelly’s 7.34 a.m. email: Time for traffic problems in Ft. Lee. An event chart can be interpreted using horary techniques and is reproduced below. Here, the central question of the event is: who ordered Bridget Kelly to send the email. Did she act on her own initiative or did someone higher up give the green light?
Freedom of Information Requests (FOIA) for emails are an absolute boon for astrologers because they contain the time a correspondence was sent. We thus have a precisely timed chart for the scandal which began with Bridget Kelly’s 7.34 a.m. email: Time for traffic problems in Ft. Lee. An event chart can be interpreted using horary techniques and is reproduced below. Here, the central question of the event is: who ordered Bridget Kelly to send the email. Did she act on her own initiative or did someone higher up give the green light?
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Aug 13, 2013; 7.34 a.m. Trenton, NJ |
What can be said about Mercury? If we turn the chart and re-number
the houses from the perspective of the 10th (i.e. using the 10th
house as the 1st), we find Mercury in the 3rd house of
communication and cars, and by extension, traffic. Mercury is in Leo, describing
a leader, and fitting symbolism for the governor. Mercury is in a partile quincunx to Pluto, the
planet of rage, retribution and revenge, that is sitting on the cusp of the
turned 8th, which is the storehouse of contents of the personal
unconscious that contains unprocessed emotion; planets situated here have a
high potential of acting out destructively. According to news reports, the most
likely explanation for the traffic jam was political playback to the mayor of
Ft. Lee for refusing to endorse Christie’s upcoming re-election bid. The
quincunx is an aspect of frustration and a situation that one can do nothing to
about. Christie (Mercury) doesn’t have enough power (Pluto) on his own to
punish the mayor for this slight. However, Pluto is opposite Jupiter in Cancer,
and the byzantine state machinery has the clout to extract revenge.
Mercury is separating from a square to Saturn in Scorpio,
which is in mutual reception with Pluto in Capricorn, an apt description of a
top secret scheme to use government power to get revenge. As a former federal
prosecutor, Christie is well-aware of the evidence required to obtain a court
conviction for political corruption. He will do his best to leave no
paper-trail that authorities can use against him (Mercury square Saturn).
Saturn is in Bridget’s 3rd house and she too knows this has to be
kept quiet from the public (Saturn conjunct Moon).
Mercury is trine Uranus in Christie’s turned 11th
house of friends, and when the NJ state legislature held a hearing about the
lane closures, Christie’s friends invented a cover story of a scientific
traffic study (Mercury trine Uranus).
In a horary or event chart, the Moon is always a major
player and will illustrate how the story unfolds. Here the Moon is in the 3rd
and the event began with a message to shut down traffic. Separating aspects
show the past and the Moon is separating from a trine from Neptune in Pisces
conjunct the turned 10th house. Christie’s short-term plan is to win
a far-reaching re-election on a platform of bipartisanship that will sweep him
onto the national stage. Then the Moon made a conjunction to Saturn, and some
elected officials refused to afford Christie his coveted endorsement. His response was a secret plan to punish
lesser minions that had the temerity to stand against him (Saturn in mutual
reception with Pluto). The email is sent out and the plan for traffic problems (Moon square
Mercury) is put into play with the help of appointees at the Port Authority
(Moon sextile Pluto trine Jupiter).
But then the Moon hits the North Node, the story leaks out,
and investigators begin to dig more deeply into the closures and new upsetting
revelations come to light (Moon quincunx Uranus): Christie may have used
federal funds for the cleanup of Hurricane Sandy to reward political friends
(Moon trine Chiron in Pisces) and penalize political foes.
Following this (the period we are now in) the Moon is moving
through Scorpio and making no contacts. We are awaiting the outcome of multiple
investigations. The next aspect the Moon will make is a trine to Mars, which
bodes well for the governor. Mars rules the radical 8th house of
investigation and 9th house of law, and it seems unlikely a smoking
gun will be found. There will be no hard evidence that ties Christie directly
to the crime. However, almost immediately, the Moon squares the Sun in Leo, an
indication that signals the end of Christie’s reign. His presidential hopes are
over. He is damaged, possibly impeached.
Next, the Moon sextiles Venus (Bridget Kelly), which suggests the aide Christie
called an ‘idiot’ will not betray her boss. She is still in his sign and on his
side. How much help she can give him is questionable though, as Venus in Virgo
is in fall and without dignity or standing. The final aspect the Moon makes
before leaving Scorpio is a contraparallel to Mercury, a reiteration of the
early square, and a difficult aspect for the 10th house ruler,
suggesting a conclusion for the governor that does not end well.
The end of the matter is shown by the 4th house
ruler, Jupiter, which is activating the square of the moment between Uranus and
Pluto. The outer planet square began in June 2012 and will last until March
2015 and brings to light the conflict between the common people (Uranus) and a
government that works for the wealthy. What Bridgegate has brought to light is
the manner by which elected officials use the state machinery (Jupiter) to reward
and punish (Pluto) friends and foes, while completely disregarding the harm,
hardship, and inconvenience inflicted on the public (Uranus) whose interests
elected officials are supposed to represent.
Since this is a blog on the nodes, I will end with a summary
of the scandal as shown by these points and their rulers. Saturn and the Moon
in Scorpio are conjunct the North Node, a statement of dark political
retribution acted upon outwardly. The North Node ruler is Pluto, in mutual
reception with Saturn, sextile the Moon, and opposite Jupiter, telling a tale
of usurping state power for personal revenge. The South Node ruler, Venus in Virgo,
shows the source of vulnerability: an aide who left a written record. Mercury, the
radical 10th house ruler is at the South Bending of the nodal axis—a
definitive statement of a long fall from a high place.
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