Wednesday, November 21, 2012


In the October 31st blog “The Rulers Conflict” I made three predictions based on recurring aspects between Pluto and Venus, the current nodal rulers. On November 3rd, the two planets would perfect the first hard aspect since the nodal sign ingress, and based on what happened on the two previous dates of contact, I thought that the election, a hurricane, and Israel, would be in the news.
            Of course, with the presidential election on Nov 6th, that was hardly an insightful prediction. What was interesting was the Republican thread at each contact. With the quincunx, the GOP was asking questions about the killing of the American Ambassador in Libya; with the trine, Romney received a bounce after his stellar first debate. On November 3rd, in the waxing days of campaigning, he and his team foresaw a decisive win, which was not to be.
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            There was hurricane activity around the quincunx and the trine, but superstorm Sandy, blowing ashore on October 30th, landed before the square. However, on November 3rd, weather forecasters were warning about a coming bad winter storm, bringing high winds, bitter cold and deep snow – which arrived on November 7 and 8th, adding further injury to an already devastated region.
            In regards to Israel and Hamas, which now stand on the brink of war, the first signs of trouble occurred on the trine, which followed in the wake of Obama’s perceived UN snub of President Netanyahu occurring on the quincunx. The current conflict can be traced to November 10th, when Israel and Hamas began firing rockets at each other. The delay, a week from November 3rd when the square formed, suggests  that one side gave careful thought about what was to come (it is still unclear to me who fired first). With Venus set to sextile Pluto on November 29th, there is an opportunity for peace.
            On December 24th, Venus and Pluto will semi-sextile each other, and I would expect more news from the Middle East, more Republican soul-searching, and more bad weather. On January 16, 2013, Venus and Pluto will conjunct, bringing to a close one set of themes, and initiating another. Pay close attention to what happens during the conjunction, for that will set the stage for coming events that will transpire with the ensuing Venus-Pluto aspects over the course of the year, up to the next conjunction. 

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