On July 17,
2014, while news reports were focused on Israel committing ground troops to Gaza,
Malaysian Flight 17 was shot out of the sky. Three coincident nodal events characterized
the day as one of significance. First, Mars, a well-known trigger, reached the
April 15, 2014 lunar eclipse degree of 25 Libra 16, activating the previous Sun-Moon
opposition. Second, and more importantly, Mars was conjunct the North Node, a
position that facilitates the physical expression of Mars. With Mars in Libra, the sign of his detriment,
there is a high potential for acting-out (i.e. rash impulsive action that is
not well-considered or conceived). Since Mars rules the South Node, the outward
manifestation carried a high probability of observable loss. Third, the Sun was at the South Bending, a position
of physical vulnerability. The Sun (square the eclipse point) was square Mars, an
aspect of self-centered aggression made more perilous due to the weakness of both
the Sun and Mars.

Thursday, at 2.15 pm GMT, ground control lost contact with the plane
approximately forty miles east of Donetsk, Ukraine at a local time of 4.15 pm
(EEDT). In the event chart, 29
Scorpio was rising, which makes the debilitated Mars, the ruler of the chart. As
in horary, the Moon shows the sequence of unfolding (and prior) events. Here,
the Moon is in Aries, disposited by Mars, essentially acting as the red planet’s
emissary. The Moon is separating from a square with Mercury, which is itself
trine Neptune, suggestive of action taken as a result of anger that is misconstrued
and based on confused or deluded facts. The first perfecting Ptolemaic aspect
is a square to Pluto, representing wide-spread murder. Next the Moon conjuncts
Uranus, an indication of sudden, surprising, and upsetting action or
information that is expressed. Then the Moon squares the Sun and immediately
opposes Mars, suggesting further aggressive action. While the Moon makes no
more aspects, Mercury (ruling the 10
th from the 8
th) perfects
its trine with Neptune (in the 3
rd), reflective of news with a spin,
where all invested parties exploit the event to further their own agendas. With
the Sun square Mars the last aspect made before the Moon leaves Aries, it
appears the missile attack on MH Flight 17, will have long-lasting
ramifications and may herald a new cold war conflict in a troubled time that is
in desperate need for peace. Venus in late degree of Gemini, ruling the North
Node (and thus a potential ray of hope), is missing in action. Disposited by
Mercury and trine Mars, she also is pounding the drumbeat of war that has blown
up to encompass the new world.
[Nb: The time for this chart was derived from the 2.15 p.m. GMT report from Malaysia as the time ground control lost contact with the plane. Since Donetsk is 2 hours ahead of GMT, I adjusted the time by + 2 hours and use the local time zone of EEDT.]